CSR & Sustainability

Your company needs to have peace of mind that products carrying the brand name are sourced responsibly and that the complete supply chain is managed.

Our commitment is to sustainable business – including ethics, the environment, people, and communities

We operate responsible supply chain management & compliance as part of our CSR policy. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability are terms that are often used, and often misunderstood. They are also concepts which vary in definition from company to company and are subject to continuous change, as practice in these areas improves and the bar is raised even higher. We have committed our business to best practice yet change and improve whenever new ideas show us better ways of working. We work with our clients to ensure they can trust us to provide quality, effective services, and solutions – all safely delivered within the parameters of our CSR policy, protecting both their brand reputation and ours.

You can read our CSR & Sustainability Policy, and Sustainability Statement below…

Here we outline our commitment to work in a responsible and sustainable way, setting out the policies which guide our operation and our overall approach to the key areas of sustainable business.

Our Ethics

We apply the highest possible business ethics in all our supplier relationships focussing on integrity, professionalism, and standards. Part of our work involves buying overseas and we work with our suppliers to ensure that they behave socially responsibly in their sourcing of materials and labour. We recognise the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code and the UN Global Compact as the internationally recognised minimum standards about working hours, living wages, freedom of association and safety of employees. We expect these high standards from our suppliers. We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chain.

Our Commitment

All our employees are responsible for their own sourcing and only use approved key suppliers. Where possible we only use suppliers that are members of SEDEX and ISO 14001 accredited. We operate an Ethical Trading Policy and Code of Conduct, which is based on the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code and UN Global Compact. We conduct due diligence and maintain a preferred key supplier list. We were proud to achieve the ISO 14001 standard in 2015 and operate this Environmental Management System. We are part of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) as a Category B member. Our Membership Number is: S000000023585.


We operate our business in a way that minimises our impact on the environment. We continuously strive to improve and react quickly to new advice and seek to apply the most up to date standards. We view this from two approaches:

Internally – We are accredited to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ensuring we minimise our impact on the environment; this includes minimal use of resources such as energy, water and effective waste handling and promoting multi-material recycling.

Externally – we ensure product suppliers hold similar values and have a process-driven approach in this area. We also consult with our clients offering environmentally positive alternatives and work with transport partners that positively support reduction in emissions impact.

Our Commitment

We always aim to improve our environmental performance and to help contribute to a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for future generations. We hold ISO 14001 accreditation and operate this Environmental Management System. We are part of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) as a Category B member. Our Membership Number is: S000000023585.

Our People

We are passionate about our people and work with our management team to engage their teams to believe in our policies. We know we will only meet our business objectives through a well-trained, empowered, and motivated workforce who also enjoy working with us. We aim to be a fair and respected employer that is valued by its employees. We offer our staff flexible working hours where possible and opportunities to train and achieve their own personal goals within the industry. We immediately respond to individual staff work requirements where possible to ensure that they are supported.

Our Commitment

We offer fair and equal employment opportunities for all – regardless of gender, race, religion, or age. We offer flexible working conditions and part time hours. We support our staff during difficult periods by offering various working options if required including working from home. We provide a good quality working environment and facilities with suitable technology and equipment. We give training to our staff where necessary and support them in their career choices. We provide current health and safety equipment and training which meets current legislation. We clearly communicate our company aims, values and objectives, and consult our people about all relevant issues.

Our Community

Our aim is to operate our business to the highest standards which in turn affects our behaviour in respect of the community in which we operate and other organisations with which we come into contact. In our local area, we actively seek community projects and offer charity contributions both locally and overseas. We support our staff in their chosen charities where possible and often give donations or sponsor the staff to encourage active participation. We engage constructively and shape our activities so that our business is always regarded as a valued and listening contributor to local life.

Our Commitment

We see our local community as an asset and one in which we should fairly invest and give-back to through wide-ranging means. We actively support local schools by providing fundraising, charity gifts and free promotional products. We dispose of obsolete stock by giving regularly to Link Romania. Our ultimate measurement is the demonstration that our community is enhanced as a result of us operating within it. See how we enjoy giving back

Product Range

We are committed to staying ahead of the game and being a market leader in the range of environmentally friendly and sustainable products that we offer. More and more companies have embraced the sustainable and environmentally friendly ideals and are looking for promotional merchandise with values which include sustainable, recycled, and/or organic materials; that are carbon neutral, fair trade and ethically sourced; and are biodegradable and/or recyclable or limit their environmental impact at the end of their useful life. Whatever your environmental concerns, we can find products to support your company ethics.

Our Commitment

Our dedicated team are fully trained in eco-friendly promotional products and are able to offer advice and suggestions if there are policy guidelines to be met. We work with fully vetted and approved suppliers who have adopted an environmental product and responsibility, and endeavour to ensure that they comply with both ours and our client’s standards and expectations. Where required we will give a statement of materials and manufacturing process on all products, including certification where necessary.

Please contact us if you would like to receive a copy of any of our official policies.